Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Eyemouth Day SIx

The day dawned bright and sunny, as anticipated, and so we set off to St Abbs to have a wee walk. I really wish I could walk further - that coastal walk looks gorgeous.

From St Abbs to Coldingham Bay is only about a mile, with a good footpath all the way. It's obviously used a lot, we met lots of people with dogs and kids with fishing nets. There were several surfers. There are also lots of benches along the way for puggled old folk (moi) to sit and admire the view.

Archie met another schnauzer on the beach and they had a run around. We had a chat to the owner, who has just moved to St Abbs, and was supposed to be working online, but couldn’t resist coming out in the sunshine.

In the afternoon, we had another beach stroll and considered popping in to the only dog friendly pub in town, 'The Contented Sole' on the harbour, but chickened out because of my black eye. We sat outside at the beach and had ice creams instead.

Fish'n'chips for tea for the last time? I hope so!

We had a similar day this time last year!

The eye is going a delicate greeny/yellow round the edges. Nice.

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