
By Beewriter

Don’t look....

...if you are queasy!!

What an awful day. I was discharged last night and it was good to sleep in my own bed. Everyone is shocked that I came out the next day and they think it was me mithering, but it wasn’t. They were pleased with my progress. I wish I’d still been in this morning though, I was sick after waking up and then I felt something weird in my right eye. The pupil had completely blown and wasn’t reacting to light. I sent a text to my friend, Ellen, who used to nurse and she came round to take my blood pressure.

Pressure was okay but the eye was worrying. Telephone lines were down in Trafford so we rang 111. They were very concerned and said I had to go to A&E. I spent hours there, sitting uncomfortably, but the consultants couldn’t work out what was wrong and they said I should go to the eye hospital. Well, the pupil had nearly rectified itself my then and I just needed to get home. If things look bad again tomorrow I shall go.

I had to have one last blood thinning injection which I had to do myself tonight. The blood blister is the one I did yesterday to check I could do it. I’ve given more blood samples and been pricked far too many times over the last few days.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

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