The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Georgia Pacific

I cannot tell a lie. I took this photo yesterday. But I did the fiddling today.

In spite of the horrible news of yet another school shooting, today was lovely. Shelly and I spent the morning together and then I took him to the bus depot. I puttered around until it was time to go to my Alzheimer's support group. I met a friend who attended for the first time and we sat together. She contributed and seemed to gain from the meeting. As always there were sad and happy moments and new information for many folks. It was a good meeting.

When it ended I headed home and had a quick lunch before I needed to go to a medical appointment. Not a problem, just a health exam. So far so good.

Now I'm relaxing and enjoying a quiet evening on my own. It has been an amazing week for sure.

And as to the sad news of the shooting, my main thought is when will we finally realize in this country that there is not one good reason for people to have access to the kind of weapons that the young man used in the shooting? And when will we take a closer look at what can be done to help people who are alienated and desperate as this man must have been to do this horrible thing? Instead we have a group of greedy rich men in power right now who are doing everything they can to move resources from the kind of help this shooter needed, from laws and procedures to remove guns from those who might use them in this way, and to do something about the inequity between to very rich and the rest of us. And to destroy the environment while they are at it. What a crazy world we live in! 

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