Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The disapproving eye

"Your parents began to disapprove of you and you resented it. But you couldn't resist them or get even because you didn't have a big enough vocabulary or a big enough body. The only way you could get even was to do what they disapproved of, which caused more disapproval. So you kept the disapproval syndrome going until you decided you could not win. Eventually you gave up and surrendered your loyalty to your divine nature and decided to follow instructions."

Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray

Took Aged P to Danson Park. Tea in the Georgian Manor house. There is a stuffed crocodile outside the toilets and the service was very slow.

Met TSM for shopping in Sainsburys. We both bought clothes. The Girl Racer came home from Uni for supper and to take over the couch again.

The look of disapproval is a fake. We had a nice time. And don't believe Len and Sondra.They belong to the Philip Larkin school of life: "Man hands on misery to man / It deepens like a coastal shelf / Get out as early as you can / And don't have any kids yourself. " Fortunately I ignored this advice. My mum is lovely and so are my kids.

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