Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Om Kolthoum II

Back for another look at this exhibition again before I met Bb for dinner in Zamelek.  You'll notice that the dress on this one is made up of old postage stamps.  Beautiful!  See my previous blip for details of the artist and for the first photo from this exhibition: Again, just for the record, I was granted permission to take this photo.   Both paintings are about 1 metre by 1 metre. 

My session to the 11 new teachers on the Teacher Support Programme went fine this morning.  A lovely group to work with and they participated enthusiastically in all the activities.  I've sent them a doc with many more ideas on how to start and end a class (basically warmers, breakers and fillers) and asked them to try one out in the next week and let me know it goes.  It's good to do something different from training on the CELTA now and again. 

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