Mum & Dad
This photo hangs over my dressing table and was taken a number of years ago when Mum & Dad were on one of their beloved cruises. I'm not sure of the year exactly, but is is likely to be from about 10-12 years ago.
(Shock - look at that crack in the corner of the wall! A bit of redecorating required, methinks!)
Below is my thought for the day...but actually relates to my Dad. This was read out by Mr A's cousin as her father's funeral and had me sobbing as the words could have been written for my Dad. Perhaps I was particularly affected as this was the first funeral I had attended since my Dad passed on Christmas Eve 2010:
"He never looks for praises
He's never one to boast
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most
His dreams are seldom spoken
His wants are very few
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken too
He's there...a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad
One of our greatest blessings
The man that we call Dad." (Karen K. Boyer)
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