Llygad y dydd

By Charlalaliz


This is one shot from my new uni video project (although it's very dark and probably won't actually be used). The brief is to create a video that somehow promotes yourself. Your name has to be in it, and it has to be 20 seconds long. It can have images of yourself in, but i'm choosing not to. It also has to contain glitches which have to be in-camera shot as opposed to effects in post-production.

The idea for the video is to start off with the scrabble tile 'C' and have it searching around the garden for the other letters of my name, and at the end spell my name out. This is the plan anyway. Whether it'll go right is a different story.

Today has been a sad day in Prestatyn - A young woman and 2 children died in a house fire last night. Her partner and baby are critically ill in hospital. I went to high school with the girl, and it really sends shivers to think that she's gone now. Life is too short.

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