Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A tribute ... in one of my ‘special ways’.

Velvet Frogs Mum died last night ... Trish ...
Trish was a really good friend of my mums except that one time she tried to kill my mother .. they used to have meet ups in their respective homes and eat sandwiches ... my mum came back from visiting Trish one time and was feeling quite headachey and very tired .. Trish also complained of feeling ‘out of sorts ‘ .. it transpired that it was the gas fire .. slowly killing their brains you see ... they did finish their sandwiches though .
Also I remember fondly Trish saying to me ..’Jane you are so so beautiful ..’ pause.. ‘until you open your mouth ‘ ... I shall treasure that forever .. I was predictably very cheeky to Trish as I am to all my friends parents ...
Also Trish once told DDLC that she looked like a clean girl ... this is a LIE .. DDLC has the worlds most revolting dressing gown .

Anyway I have chatted several times to Velvet frog today and what do you know ... I ended up crying and she consoled me and then I requested when I’d like the humanist service ... Velvet frog sighed and declared she wouldn’t change me for anything .. except a vast sum of money .

We also decided that I would play Frigging in the rigging by the Sex Pistols if she dies before me ...

The first photo is Trish about 20 years ago and the second photo is the first daisy I’ve seen out on the dog walks this year except that Bertie (who you can just see) ate it as I was trying to get it in focus ..

Goodnight Trish ...xxxxxxx

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