
So, when we were on holiday in the USA last summer, my youngest girl (pictured here) ordered some extra bacon with her brunch in a diner one day, and the waitress said summat like, "Oh, we got a bacon lover here!" and the name 'Bacon Lover' has stuck with her ever since. So, when we were at Tate Britain this morning the photo opportunity was just too good to pass up. She agreed to pose....reluctantly of course. From Tate Britain we got the river boat to Tate Modern for a bit of a mosey...basically a go on the swings in the Turbine Hall, a trip up to that viewing platform that *totally* invades the neighbours' privacy and a bit of a sit in 'The Rothko Room'.

After that it was back to the hotel for a bit of a freshen-up, a catch up with some Winter Olympics on the telly before heading out again (via fabulous burgers in one of them new-fangled-hipster-boho-gourmet-joints in Brixton Market) for the main reason for our trip down to London in the first place - the show that my girls have been obsessed with for the last year, the show that we got tickets for as their main Christmas present - namely, Hamilton: An American Musical. I'm not a fan of musical theatre per se but...this was a great show, it really was! Funny, poignant, brilliant production, and obviously the rest of my family were absolutely loving it. Plus, the seats we had were in one of the boxes that came with 'butler service' so we didn't have to even move to order drinks and our interval ice-creams. I actually thought the comedown from this show might mean the girls would be up 'til the early hours when we got back to the hotel but....everyone was actually a bit weary and just went to bed extremely happy :-)

Modern Art

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