FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Early morning

mist rising over Ben Ledi (again, sorry!)

What started off as a colourless morning turned into a lovely day.

MOH and I had a lazy day at home.

This morning we had two deer in the field behind the house, just outside our fence. I crawled about getting the camera but spooked them before I could get a shot.

This afternoon I stealthilly crept outside to capture a cock pheasant that was in the garden just outside the patio doors, got withing good range and didn't have my SD card in the camera.

This evening we had FOUR hen pheasants in the garden at the one time but I didn't have the inkling to try again.

Don't know much about pheasants but these five have been in our garden over the last six weeks! I believe they're nice roasted!

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