All change

For a while now we have been thinking about a small garden shed, and now it's going ahead, Mike's latest project.  We're going to put it up against this fence, which separates us from our neighbours wall, complete with unattractive and noisy heat pump.  

This means the raised beds have to be rejigged.  Today, in the chilly sunshine, I dug out most the soil and spread it onto other beds and the borders, with the help of Bonny the Bantam. It's lovely working in the garden with her and Ollie for company.  They get on really well, and she's a lot happier and more relaxed than she was.  She's getting quite bold and has had a peck at Ollie a few times!  He doesn't bother, I think he just enjoys her company!

Ceilidh dancing in the evening in the Hope.  Eleven of us there, we managed quite a few dances including our favourite, Postie's Jig!  

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