Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Mickey was very sick today

This morning Mickey again vomited immediately after her meds (she is doing this since 2 days). After a while I gave her one piece of a harisson's high potency and she ate just a little but and right after that she vomited again. This morning she weighted 128 grams. After the second vomit I weighted her again, 124 grams!!!! not good... I am sooo worried... this is the way she was sitting in her box....
Had contact with both my vets dr Yvonne van Zeeland and drs. Peter Bastiaansen. I went to Peter with the animal ambulance here in Dordrecht (I am a contributor and than get 20% off). I only use this for emergency, of course. Peter Bastiaansen had weekend duty, thank God. Mickey was very dehydrated, for sure. But strangely enough she really needed more Furosol (5%) to get her weight down (qua fluids) and we now think that she might be resistant to this med and that that's the reason we had to give her more to get the fluids down. Last days she got 1 ml 3 times per day..! And it is a very strong fluid fighter. Probably this causes her lack of appetite and feeling nauseous! And that got worse per day... Peter first gave her extra fluids through her inguinal fold. He also gave her one crop feeding. He also listened to her heart, but that all was good. She got some extra medicine (pfffff...) called Metocloral for the vomitting.. she needs 3x per day 0.15 ml. But.... for now I can stop with the fluid fighter Furosol. Of course only till she feels better again and gains weight. That last issue will for sure come back. She just ate a tiny little bit of cheese. But that is about it. My sweet sweet girl... at one moment you think that everything is under control, the other moment something is so wrong... this is hard...
This evening I gave her the meds and some Juvenile from Harisson's with in it a bit Emeraid (Lafeber) and some grape sugar. She didn't vomit... that is a good start..

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