today is the first day...

By firstday

Wood for the trees...

Love these woods, I have walked through them regularly since I was a teenager..decades ago. We had a lazy start to the day. Nadias pug helped himself to hot cross buns in the early hours. 20% raisins so possibly toxic. It's a bit of an unknown, some dogs go into renal failure some don't. Of course she phoned for advice, the nearest vet was 40 mins away and as she was on a girly weekend with the pug miles from home and everyone had been drinking she opted to wait until morning. He was popped on a drip for a couple of hours so hopefully all will be well. Death by hot cross bun would not be a pretty end...anyway my super dooper not to be used everynight sleeping tablets did the trick and I was soon asleep again. Major. Breakthrough.

I put a post on Facebook warning all my girlies to check themselves and mentioning my impending surgery. Been so inundated with messages of love and support I feel very humble, and ironically very blessed. Funny old world.

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