
The view towards the village from the dog walking field which lies just beyond the house.  As a child I was fascinated by teasels and they still seem like treasure when I see them.  They add such character to the winter landscape.  The field itself is extremely water-logged - wellies are needed unless you want to get wet and muddy!

A day of chores, first checking on Andy's mum's cat who apparently has kidney disease and who needs to be on a low protein diet.  We left her some new low protein food over night but she'd not eaten it.  Then to the shops to get food and supplies.  After lunch we managed a quick walk before going to the hospital to visit Andy's mum.  She was rather confused today, keeping forgetting that she was in hospital and not in her own home.  She seems cheerful enough but, understandably, is keen to get home.  Let's hope it won't be too long.

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