
B has gone to Birmingham for an athletics conference today, so I’m in charge!!

Amber hunted for him initially, even though she knew that he had gone out. I did the morning walk and breakfast and she walked on the lead no problem. I’ve spent the day sewing and she has ‘accompanied’ me, wherever I’ve gone!!

New elastic on the top of P’s gaiters, ready for the next trip to Nepal and the Amazon, lace onto R’s navy dress, ready for the next ‘do’ and progress on the Kaffe Fasset wall hanging for me!! Very satisfying:o)

This afternoon we walked along the Fossdyke. Amber was interested to see what was over the wall. The good behaviour that she displayed for B following her training session last week, was sadly absent for me:o( She was a pain in the butt!!!! I think that I need to do a session with the trainer and her !!!!!

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