I'm Just Looking

By Quigs

Flip Flops

On way home after the race, in which I was average in the general classification, but TOP DOG in the second annual "Treadly Challenge". This is a friendly competition between some cycling mates where a nominated race each is for a special trophy. I spent the whole race thinking I needed to stay away from Darrell to at least be 2nd, believing the reigning champ Dave had left me behind on the first hill but finished less than a minute ahead of Darrell to find it was me who had left Dave behind!! I think the 15kg I've lost since February helped more than I thought because I've never beaten Dave up a hill before in my life. The actual race winner was an hour faster than me but that's irrelevant in the scheme of things!!!

This fence covered in jandals is on SH1 near Foxton. FB friends may recall having seen it before but I wanted to snap it again for blip posterity.

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