
By Leiflife

Signs of Spring or... Lumen throws A Party

Following days of drenching rain,
new mosses spring with ecstatic haste
from an old stump...

I would suppose that eagerness for new life, new dances, is in all of us as the lingering evidence of winter overshadows the stirrings of spring. Of course, where I live with Pearl and Lumen, the days have truly become milder. The green of springing mosses is definitely to be seen, but even here, we cannot count on it. We don't quite dare to strip the comforters from our beds. 

Lumen still plays in his yard every day, and we still make dashes for it to avoid puddles on the floor. Lumen definitely doesn't like to interrupt his indoor play. This little dog has a focus that is mind blowing. Yesterday evening he turned the toy basket over, pulling toys out one by one. He seemed to be introducing them to one another. Hippo meet ball. Mouse meet possum and sock. Ribbon trail over the dinosaur. Tiny possum get under the table with tiny dragon and Bobo the dog. Rope dog meet rope monkey... What a party! It seemed to go on forever. And Lumen was the host with the most... The most toys, that is. And yes, I did have to interrupt it at least once, and got a low growl of disapproval, before he complied. Eventually, exhaustion had him asking to come up on Mama's chair where he collapsed across my lap. So sweet... We left the cleaning up til morning... 

I wasn't taking pictures at the time, but I did get a couple of photos of rope dog being introduced to rope monkey. Rope dog had to be shaken into submission.

A bizarre sort of blip in that it started as one thing: a nature thing. I was going toward a walk and camelias, but Lumen appeared, distracted me, and... Oh well... This is my life these days. My days are Lumen days.

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