Drama at the AOG!
It is only mid-day and already the NJ Stadium has had its share of drama. First of all, two of Team Sparrow's top athletes got into a very unseemly brawl, complete with some rather course language. Then, as the testosterone levels soared, two member of Team Downy Woodpecker also got into a heated shoving match. Good grief. Things were quickly spiraling out of control.
And then...the Blue Jays set off the alarm and a hush fell over the arena. Right in front of this shocked reporter's eyes (and lens) one of the youngest members of Team Sharp-shinned Hawk zoomed into the arena and proceeded to chase several of the smaller contestants into the cantina cherry tree! Eventually the youngster left the arena (empty-taloned), but not before the judges determined that sanctions would be issued. A full-out ban was considered, but given the age of the offender as well as his biological need to eat...well, other birds... the decision was made to issue a severe scolding instead. Young Sharpie was last seen flying off into the woods. Will he be back? Stay tuned...
Three other photos on Flickrstarting HERE - another shot of young Sharpie, a member of Team Downy Woodpecker and Pufi of Team Purple Finch.
And, by the way, we awoke to about 5 inches of powdery snow, which is already melting at a rapid pace.
I'll update later if anything of note occurs.
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