Monday...B Monday.

Hey…BIG thanks from the team for your enthusiastic support yesterday. The Boss would love feedbark (mini) on the Dropbox thingie ‘Cos if you found it good he may consider doing it again so don’t be shy.
This is Benjamin, Haighs chocolate bear…YES we do have a chocolate bear here, struggling to face the day without chocolate, The Boss understands completely, and is also struggling to make the current block of “Premium Manuka Honeycomb”  survive until dark or until The Bossess arrives tomoro night, which ever comes sooner….

Pawscript...In case you are going to ask YES he did go staggering today to get a haircut and some electrical bits for an odd job and racked up 11046 steps in the process. THATS why he needed the Cho.........
Bread from the supermarket.


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