It looked a lovely day first thing, so we decided to go to Cambridge. By the time we left it was foggy, but this soon cleared and we had a lovely sunny day. It started to get cold around 1430 hours, but we were on out way home by then.
We stopped for the usual coffee, cake etc and a visit to the Pandora shop, as I wanted a safety chain for my bracelet. We also had a walk to the University Centre. I took this picture outside King’s College Chapel; I hope someone’s lunch was not getting cold while she looked at her phone.
The cats decided to go out into the garden although Dougal was soon in again. Florence on the other hand decided to sit on the balcony. That would have been fine, but she ventured through the balcony bars and onto the guttering. She has done this many times, but yesterday could not get back again. I suspect that is because she has put on rather a lot of weight over winter. In the end I had to get our steps and with my husband holding them I managed to get her down. I am not good up ladders or on the top of stepladders so I hope she does not do it again.
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