These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Odd happenings!

Today started out as a normal Sunday, getting ready for church, putting coffee in our travel mugs, etc. At church, we are talking about living as if we only have 30 days to live. It's quite inspiring and very though provoking. Well, as we were leaving to pick up the kids, a stranger asked Josh for a ride to the parts store to get a battery for his car. Josh obliged and we made plans for the kids and I to wait at church. This was a stretch for Josh, as he's not one to hop in a car with a complete stranger. His trip went off without a hitch. However, while waiting for Josh at church, we had a major poop problem with poor little Mia. It required me asking a complete stranger to stand by Mia's bathroom stall while I went to get help from my sister. It was definitely a day of odd happenings. Tyler also ventured into the boys bathroom for the first time, all by himself. We figured what better place to try it out than at church. and we were right. There were all sorts of gentlemen in there, helping him wash and dry his hands - and everyone gave me an update as they left the bathroom. It was hilarious!

After church, we headed home for lunch and my dad came over for a hike we planned a few days ago. The hiking expedition continued on the course of odd. First, we got to the trail and it was covered in icy snow. If we didn't have a stroller, it was fine to walk on. but the stroller was another thing altogether. we actually tried it for about 20 yards and decided to turn back. Tyler was a trooper, not complaining at all about the incredibly bumpy ride he was on. Mia thought she was pretty cool riding on Grandpa's back!

This picture was taken at the point we decided to turn back, 30 yards into our hike. We then went up to campus to walk around on cleared paths but that ended quickly when the kids were too cold and too tired to continue on. We are now home resting and all is right with the world. We'll be heading out to Dad's later tonight for some Soupa de Pollo Mexicana, prepared by my Dad, chef Earl the Pearl!

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