La vida de Annie

By Annie

Segundo puerto natural más grande del mundo.

Mahon, after Pearl Harbour, is the second largest natural harbour in the world, as demonstrated by this massive vessel doing a U-turn. I was in town to take in the Sunday car-boot sale, looking for vinyl records, which I found, though the choice and condition were abominable. It was mostly secondhand clothes and overpriced "antiques", so nothing very interesting, although there was an entertaining angry exchange between two lady dog owners: one Westie-cross went for a Yorkie, which ran round the W-C owner's legs in fright, tying her up in the lead. The Yorkie owner was miffed at her dog being terrorised, and the other woman was angry at some invisible damage to her trousers. Another couple of dog-owners joined in and they all had a merry old ding-dong. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get a shot of it.

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