Season of Mists

It turned out nice again today, as they say.
The sun rose over the Meadows to burn off the mist and bring sunshine and a degree of warmth to us poor rain soaked mortals.

I was persuaded to get on my bicycle and do our twenty mile 'riding of the marches' through the lanes and byways of East Lothian.
After the poor performance of the weather over the last week, the world and his wife were out with us in their motorised transport, which meant that even on hitherto quite small back roads we had cars birling past us at top speed.

Despite the sun, many of the roads were fringed with puddles and deep mud,whilst newly ploughed fields had small lochans in any available hollows; only the seagulls thought this was good.

We had our customary stop at no 42 The Harbour at Port Seton and it was warm enough to sit outside with an ice cream.

Home now to golden sunshine lighting up the gold and russets of the leaves on the trees outside the window and shining on the strollers out with toddlers and dogs.

It's a day to be stored in the memory for the winter days ahead.

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