St Peters Church...

A full morning ringing at Forest then St Peters Church. Forest are a delight; 6 light bells that just zip along. St Peter's less so. There are 10 but we only rang the back 6. 

I used to own a chapel in a valley behind St Peters Church with the picturesque name of Douit d"Israel. Just means the stream of Israel. We gave the chapel a less picturesque name; Emmerdale. A bit of a joke because we (my Yorkshire husband and I) had two cats named Amos and Mr Wilks. It is now named something more appropriate like Vespers. But still has the little 10lb mini ring of bells that I had installed. Local legend has now rather woven these bells into the fabric of "original feature of the chapel" and people are doubtful when I say that I had them put there. Believe it or believe it not; they are not original. They were mine...

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