TT - Pin Sharp

I went to see my friend A this morning as I hadn't seen her since before we went away;  her sister J happened to be there and also another friend I haven't seen for some time.  The conversation and the coffee flowed and as ever the time went by too quickly;  we've decided to meet up again next week and maybe then our catch up will be complete. :-))

The pins are a left over from the time I used to do lots of dressmaking;  I used to get my sewing machine out and be lost in my own world for hours on end - making clothes, soft furnishings, useful little bags and cases -  in fact I made anything and everything.  It ground to a halt when I started getting severe eye strain which aggravated my migraine so these days I only do what's necessary.  Fortunately I discovered photography which filled the void nicely.   :-))

Thank you for all the comments and stars for yesterday's MM shot

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