On The Way To Nandos, Aylesford

Yet another wet, windy and dull day today. It was also the day I had to go back to the fracture clinic. The first thing that happened when I got there was that I had to go and wait in an outpatients area, then go for more x-rays then back to the outpatient area again. It was then another wait to see the consultant. 
Just as before I was in and out in less than five minutes and was told I'd need to come back in another six weeks for more x-rays. He said the fracture is beginning to heal but that it was up to me if I wanted an operation or to wait and see! "I'm sorry?", I felt like saying, "aren't you the one who's supposed to tell me whether I need one or not?!" What I find with so many doctors is that they treat the symptom or injury but not the person. He did sign me off for another two weeks so after that I'll just have to see how work goes - my job involves a lot of lifting and I'm worried that my shoulder/arm won't be strong enough but I suppose I won't know until I try.
Today's shot was taken on the way to an early meal at Nandos, which is just a five minute walk from where I live. The black figure is my brother struggling manfully with his umbrella in the strong wind!

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