
By stuartjross

Lochan na h-Earba

The good forecast for the weekend finally arived this morning; beautiful October sunshine on the autumn brown hills.

Our youngest, S, had been invited up to play at his pal's house at Murlaggan. This is about four miles east of Roy Bridge on the A86 and is on the way to the concrete bridge where you start the walk in to Lochan na h-Earba. A "no brainer" as they say, we piled the dogs in before setting off then continued E after dropping S off.

Despite a few cars parked at the bridge we barely saw another soul on the walk and when we got to the loch had the place to ourselves. This is an amazing and tranqil spot and never looks the same minute to minute far less visit to visit; which are sadly too infrequent. The loch is as high as I have seen it all year and the long sweeping beach is under water, albeit very shallow. It is the perfect Labrador (and blipper) play ground. I have too many shots to choose from but went with this one; Caley in front of his swimming pool.

The loch name looks a right clumsy mouthful but I believe it is said like: "Loch ann Arb"

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