
By Juleshki


Cyril: "Now, don't make me laugh as I'm coming into land"

Gordon: "Why, wassup...?"

Cyril: "Wassup? You know I can't fly when I'm laughing. Remember that time when we went up to Lake Windermere, cos Sid said there were more crusts of bread there than you could shake a stick at...? And you told that joke about the duck and hairy dog? And I got concussed from hitting the side of that bus-shelter? Yeah? Well, like I said... quit making me laugh!"

Gordon: Ha, yeah, it weren't 'arf funny though, especially the way you left your mark on that man afterwards whilst he was eating his burger!"

Cyril: "Ha, ha... yeah that was good... I said don't make me laugh... whhooooarrrrgggghh!"

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