Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


A light bulb moment. Have been putting off wiring this lamp up for about six months, but it only took about fifteen minutes when I finally got ‘round to it. Procrastination.

Quite successful day working at home although far too many teleconferences.

Discovered that I have to wear red underpants for the next twelve months or I will have bad luck. This is the year of The Dog which is my Chinese animal year. You have to wear red to ward off the evil god of the ages during your year. It doesn’t have to be pants but at least pants aren’t visible and red really isn’t my colour.

Best bit of today was booking my flights to see The Girl Racer in early May. Look out Toronto, here we come! We had a rather lovely early morning FaceTime and she looked very happy.Glowing in fact ...

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