Kath's Journal

By Kathb

The Scottish Parliament Building

I didn't think that the Scottish Parliament Building was in keeping with the rest of Edinburgh's architecture, but something drew my attention to it. 

This was my first every trip to Edinburgh. We got cheap train tickets and went up for the day. During the morning we climbed Arthur's Seat. The low winter sun was in our eyes all the way up and the ground was a little muddy, but the views from the top were spectacular. It was, however, a little hazy so the photographs didn't turn out too well and they are disappointing.

The afternoon was spent looking round the city and walking up to the castle. The city is on so many different levels and you are either walking up and down hills or climbing long flights of stone steps. 

We had a lovely lunch in a Swedish vegetarian restaurant and tea at Weatherspoon's. 

 Extra photo: piper. 


Chuamar go Edinburgh. Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh agus bhí sé go hiontach.

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