knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


Took my new toy up the coast today to try and get a picture or two.
I took a couple from the car park at the back of Once A Sheep where I was headed for a Guild meeting. New camera is rather good and I'm loving the large screen on the back. It seems to have rather a lot of bells and whistles and can't wait to figure them all out.
Had a lovely relaxing afternoon warping up looms with onceasheep for a course I'm teaching at her shop next Saturday. Should be good fun and we really enjoyed choosing the yarns for the looms. It was good to see everyone again as I've not been up for a week or two and a Sheeple fix always restores the soul.
Weaving is definitely on the cards for tonight as need to do a sample scarf for me the class on Saturday.

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