phone blip - day 5; take it, post it

A really lovely day.  We (JohnRH, W, Blacktulip, Anniemay and I) met up with Riversider and L, who were passing through Milton Keynes.  

We chose Stowe as a good place for a natter, a bite to eat, a walk and some blip opportunities.

Today I have to take a photo on the phone and post it straight to blip without resorting to my computer.  Of course, such a draconian edict is open to interpretation.  But I go along with it, up to a point  I manage to take a photo, make any adjustments to the image on the phone and post it as per instructions.

“Your biggest challenge is going to be writing about it.” Of course; there’s no way I’m doing that on the phone.  The challenge was to post the image.

As soon as it’s loaded I nip to my computer and begin typing.  The photo is sooc though.

I’ve added an extra because I tried both colour and b&w.  B&W because I had this idea for a creepy Gothic tower image and colour to reflect the fact that it really was a lovely day - both weatherwise and company-wise.

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