Sun Sunday

If I don't watch out, I'll end up as a sunset couch potato.

Sunny the whole day where we live ... but oh so so close to freezing!  I believe it's expected to stay this way for at least another week.

Finished my International Relations MOOC.  My average score plummetted to 7.1, though (normally it's above 8).  A crying shame but it was a whopping four weeks squeezed into three, each one crammed with lectures.  Nice thing -- I can always look back and review.  Grand, huh?

Did some laundry, did the kitchen, did the shopping.  One more week before I fly.  On the one hand, I have given it some thought.  On the other hand, 'some' is all it has been.  I still don't know if it will do any good, but, hubby says, at least I'll be seeing my stepbro again.  I know it's been about 22 years, with a very short break when his mother died, but I don't feel that distance in time.  What I feel goes back much further, to the time when we were still talking to each other as big sis and little bro.  That is never coming back, and nothing much happened in between, so there's this yawning gap of so many unknown things.

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