
The day started around the pool in the sunshine, then I went for my deep tissue massage. hurt a lot! She even had me doing deep breathing exercises whilst she flicked my muscles around, even my leg muscles were painful. I must be bad, as she has given me some exercises to do!!

The Dadski made us a lovely picnic and we went back to the castle to eat it on the ramparts (extra). The gardeners were out which made all the green parrots in the trees very noisy and active - great to see and hear! The caterpillars were also feeling agitated and took up doing the conga to find more vegetation! (Extra)

Tea was pizza and pasta in a very old Italian restaurant. We asked what the pictures represented on the walls, as there was definitely a meaning. The owner tried desperately to tell us....we still have no idea lols.

The Dadski bought us red roses too :)

Another fabulous day...can’t believe it is our last day tomorrow :(

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