Tuesday B&W

Hubby stuck a lamp inside the shell.  It's on day and night.  It looks like a warning light near the window.  Hopefully wannabe intruders will think it's an alarm.

Went to work today for a meeting that lasted only about half an hour, maybe a wee bit longer.  I knew that it was going to be short but as it is so difficult these days to schedule anything, I didn't even think of having it moved.  Anyway, it was about a subject I enjoy teaching -- Intercultural Management.  In fact, I wish it's all I have to teach.  Well, Project Management is okay, too.  One of the first subjects I'll drop if I get the chance is International Business Communications, at least if it means having to teach it the way we are doing now.  Total tosh.

So this was my day today -- worked at home, went to work, had the meeting, went back home, went back to work ... and the MOOC.  Plus the usual dishes and Death in Paradise.  What ever happened to NCIS?  Oh, it's still there, but if it's just reruns, never mind.  On certain days, they show some current stuff of almost current stuff, and I try to watch, but that's so seldom I even forget which day it is.

No speed-skating today, but there was some shorttrack, for which we took no medals.  That's okay.  The rest of the week is still to come.

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