Hernia Walk!

My undiagnosed hiatus hernia (HH in future!) played up today - so no digging of the potato bed on the allotment as planned! It was a gloriously sunny day and was so warm in the conservatory I kept the door opened. Milkshake was well happy with this and had a good investigation of the garden before relieving herself in a big bowl of tulips! Luckily the tulips are only just poking up through the soil, so no damage was done - unless the one that got peed upon suffers from the acid shower! 
It felt a waste of a day staying home, even though I had a good reason to, but I just couldn't relax and enjoy the slow day. I did some more research on exercises good for a HH and did them, did some word and jigsaw puzzles on my phone, and read, before  deciding late afternoon a little exercise would probably help both the HH and my restlessness! 
I was only going to walk around the block, but it was so beautifully sunny, still and quiet I walked up into the woods too! The only thing to be heard and seen were the birds singing their goodbye to the day. I loved the slowly setting sun lighting up the Hazel catkins - like a shower of gold. Also how lovely corrugated plastic looks when the sun hits it too! I felt far more relaxed after my hours walk!

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