
By backwoodsman

As I went off...... do my shopping this morning, I noticed this lovely little roe doe in the tennis courts below my house  ; thinking she was leaving it late to go off and hide in the woods.
Coming home two hours later here she is sitting down on the court :-O
The tennis court fence is 9' high ,so .despite having got in ,she  clearly couldn't get out.
For a brief moment, I must confess to my shame, I thought about  leaving her there.........mindful that next week she will probably rampage through my garden nibbling any brave plants that poke their heads up !
But being a noble savage  I went away down ,opened the gate and gently shepherded her round the court till she spotted it :-)
Whereupon she made a dash for it.....and promptly bounced all over the carefully nurtured pristine bowling green. creating a novel set of handicaps :-O

So I beat a hasty retreat !

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