It’s been the oddest day.
I feel like I’ve been taken hostage by the airport!
We started our journey home at 8.15am. It is now 6.23pm.
There was a massive accident on the motorway (only cars hurt)
And then having pottered and waited, we had the first cancellation of the day.
Hey ho. Stay positive. We’ll carve a new way out...
That too was cancelled and now we are hopeful of going via Copenhagen (where I’ve always wanted to visit - but I’d hoped with the accompaniment of clean clothes and a toothbrush)...
Thankfully my friend can stay another night with my dog in snowy South of France.
I am now deliriously playing a role between The Terminal and Ground Hog Day, and when I text my mum she has taken on the mantle of The Third Ronnie (no idea why) and is answering every comment two steps behind!
One silver lining - we found tasty potato and leek soup!

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