Pohutukawa sunrise

Today is Labour Day in New Zealand. Not a day to labour, but a day for workers to have the day off; a public holiday (Bank Holiday in the UK). Traffic will be heavy on the road back to Auckland, and as my first appointment is not until 0930 tomorrow, we'll go back in the morning.

The wet and windy weather of the last two days has left us, and on my run this morning I was treated to a marvellous sunrise, which took the time it took me to run along the full length of Erceg's Way by the beach at Snell's, stopping every so often for a shot.

Together, S and I have chosen this one taken between two large pohutukawa trees on the edge of the beach. The sun was almost fully risen at this point, and to the camera is just a flare. With the tide almost at its lowest, the mudflats and pools are picking up the sun's light to look like I imagine a lave flow might appear.

A day of reports and stuff (no holiday for the self employed) and now almost time to relax and reflect and read.

Addendum: I forgot to recommend looking at this large

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