
Fascinating morning at the museum store - finding out about the work of curators and getting up close to some amazing artefacts (including an incredible 4th Century Egyptian sock that looked like new but that I can't share til it goes on display). Couldn't decide between the various photos I took so I've collated the 16th Century tapestry that had much of the original blue background (still visible below and to the right of her foot) re-woven in black a couple of centuries later, the tools of the conservator, part of a vast and meticulously labelled dung beetle collection and a set of bottles collected in the 18th century of loch water from around Scotland. Fabulous trip...
Back to the office and the picket lines had dispersed (understandable given the cold!) so had fairly focussed but quiet afternoon finalising the plan before out to book group where (as hazelh explains) we had great fun and the usual wide-ranging discussions sparked(!) by our reading of Girls of Slender Means by Muriel Spark.
Also planned some trips out's becoming a regular social whirl!

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