Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

What was Plan B?

Plan A was to have a week off jaunting about the Union Canal, investigating Falkirk, tunnels, locks, new moorings but the Beast from the East rather scuppered that! We set off with good intentions, but the ice was inches thick in places and the going heavy, noisy, and not a little bit challenging!
This pic was taken on the way back to the marina.... Discretion being the better part of valour and all that! We broke all that ice on the way out!

On a more upbeat note HisPuppypantsness seems unfazed by being on the boat, only a little vexed by his life jacket and having to go into his crate whilst we set off and moor up.

And Plan B is to eat all the groceries and go home early! I have fixed up the wine rack, measured all the spaces under the bed for storage and properly stored stuff away in the meantime.

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