
By TusCat

Ponte Vecchio

What a long day! It started at 4:30 in the morning and it has not finished yet (almost eleven p.m.).

However, I think I achieved a lot, including attending a conference, finding a train to come back home nothwithstanding the cancellations and the delays due to the terrible weather conditions we have at the moment (if you look closely, you will see icicles under the bridge!), and working afternoon and evening without nodding off!

My only free time was before the conference started! I had a lovely walk in Florence city centre at 7:30 a.m., highly recommended if you don’t like crowds! I even managed a photo of the boar with no tourists! Thoroughly over the moon!

By the way, if you happen to visit Florence, remember to rub the boar’s nose! It is believed to have the power to bring you back to Florence again! And for those of you who like reading, the boar has a connection with Hans Christian Andersen too, who made it the main character of one of his fairy tales!

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