2018 Tuesday — The Road to Work
We had rain last night, and it cleared early this morning. So the drive to work this morning out through the back roads of Norco presented this magnificent view. This is looking north toward Mt. Baldy, which is covered in clouds.
I taught one class this morning of basic writing and I worked my one hour in the Writing Lab this afternoon.
Meantime, Mr. Fun spent much of this day at his 95-year-old mom’s house with the Kaiser Medical Home Healthcare nurse and with a nurse practitioner. It is time for his mom to move to an assisted-care or a board and care, but she is overly resistant to leave the home that she and her husband, Mr. Fun’s deceased dad, built in 1955. What a mess this situation has become. Four times since the end of December she has fallen while trying to stand-up from her chair or sit-down and she has lost balance and finds herself on the floor and can’t get back up. Two of those times she could not reach her phone to let anyone know she was on the floor, so she stayed on the floor for 12+ hours until one of her caretakers arrived at the normal time. She can’t open the front or back door because her hands are no longer strong enough to turn the knob. We believe it is dangerous for her to be living there alone, but she is so stubborn.
From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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