Memoria Fotografica

By pippp

Met Francesca for coffee this morning at Cafe Moda. Was lovely to see her.

This afternoon Camille and I hopped on our bikes to cycle to Phoenix Park for some capoeira thing she had. We only vaguely knew where we were going. Ended up going past her friends' house to popped in to pick up her purse as she left it there last night. Then had a bit of drama with her bike. Though for a min we were gonna be stuck with a broken bike. But all was well.

Finally made it to the park and found her capoeira lot. I sat down to watch and got chatting to the guy next to me who was from Birmingham. Mad.

After the capoeira demo we got to watch some other performers. And yes this guy is balancing a table on a stick which is in his mouth. And yes, there is fire involved!

Helene came to join us after it had all finished and we cycled home together. A lot of cycling in one day, espesh as it was really sunny. Looked like a tomato by the time we got home. Ha.

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