Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek

Jaded AKA Tired

That's me today. Jaded. I never sleep well on Sunday evenings so am always shattered on a Monday hence the cheap "people" shot as it's just so easy. Apologies for my apathy. I can't wait to go home for some sofa snuggling. Who's in?

Ps Can't believe I've taken the easy option. That's a bloody first...............

PPs I'm feeling guilty now so editing this as I don't feel you're all getting your money's worth. Here's a topical question. What have you all asked Santa for? I quite fancy an invisible cloak. Oh the madness and mayhem I could cause with that!

PPs I've just Googled jaded. I don't think I'm jaded. I just think I'm tired.

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