The Project: Day 2

I woke early this morning coughing and feeling snuffly. I couldn't sleep so got up and worked on my boxes.

They're finished. Another photo in extras shows the other 2 boxes.

Left: a kitten bed in a cut down and reinforced box.
Right: Jasper's play house. There are round, square, and heart shaped windows for kitten paws to poke through, and a door of course.

Photo in extras:
- the little box has a ping pong ball inside and round holes for a kitten to reach through to the ball.
- the cube box has my old 'Brains' t-shirt from Thunder Birds stretched taut so the neck becomes an entrance for small kitties to pass through. The t-shirt is tied on the opposite side of the box to the neck and the sleeves tuck in neatly on the side. I guess it could be the brain box :-)

I still have another big-ish box. I'm wondering if I should make something from it too. Maybe I'm not finished yet...

Hopefully Jasper will enjoy them.

Today's gratitude: For kind thoughts and deeds from others that make my sadness easier to bear. Benedict has been gone a week but he's certainly not forgotten.

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