
You can tell we like pannettone in this house.
Use the red tins as planters after we’ve eaten the contents.
Poor daffodils and tulips have taken a bit of a hit in the snow but lm sure they will bounce back.

Last day of my MonoMonth and l wish l could have used colour today as the red tins made a good contrast with the tête-à-têtes.

Have found the challenge to myself really hard.
What did l learn?
I found l do prefer some photographs in mono.
I probably won’t ever do a month of mono again, felt like one hand was tied behind my back.
Probably in the future will include more monos in my journal.

Lucky to be able to stay home today as the Beast from the East ramps up.
Hope everyone affected stays safe and remember it’s only weather and it will pass.
Fellow blipper Helena commented to me yesterday that we now have such easy lives that a few days of freezing conditions sends us into a frenzy!

Tagging this for Wild Wednesday as we can safely say the weather is a bit wild today.
It’s the 100th Anniversary of Wild Wed so a bigger than ever round of applause to Cailleach for suggesting this fun, no pressure, non judgemental challenge.

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