Human Huddle

Poor Nate is full of cold... packing has been difficult with him feeling so yuk. BUT we got the keys today!! Hooray! Straight after our morning meeting we got on with shuffling things across... attempting to pack faster than our friends can take stuff!

Caña Club un the evening as Nate was seeming brighter, came home and he was promptly sick, poor boy. I think it's all the phlegm, their tummies aren't able to digest it apparently...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) KEYS!!!!! NEW FLAT!!
2) This old flat...we've had 4 really good years's the longest we've lived in one place. It'll forever be special to us, not least because it's the place Nate was born in. 
3) Wonderful friends helping with the move. 

Danny took this pic about 1am...our bed is regularly overtaken by small people...we end up squeezing onto the edges!

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