Birthday Girl

Tansy is 3 today, can't believe it's nearly three years ago  that we got her when she was 9 weeks old.

Well very snowy start to the day but managed a walk with the dog and big snow play in the garden with them.

It was great to see all the kids out on the park with their sledges  at least they enjoyed the snow and the day off school. Though why the schools have to close I do not know. They never did in my schooldays and I had a good way to go to school, on foot, snow never bothered us or the teachers, and it was a darned site deeper than todays offering,  it seems to me that people panic easily  with the media hype these days. After all the shop assistants and office workers turned up for work and the men who gritted the roads, the police, ambulance drivers, firemen and numerous other workers too.

 I am talking about the area I live in, I know that in some parts of the country it would have been justified as it has been pretty bad snow wise, but there was a chap on the news who was going on about the bad conditions where he was and honestly there was hardly anything to see, about a couple of inches of snow. How do they think people who live in countries where it really snows go on.

Oh heck thats my rant for today lol

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