not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

Polly gone

really foggy on the sea front and can not see anything but we did sit and have a cup of tea and it was quite warm we did not have our coats on.

We got home from out weekend away at my mum and dads last night about 10 and was nearly straight to bed i went to see Mr Polly and he looked at me as to say oh you are back.

I got up this morning made a drink and thought i would try and get him out as he had a couple of days in his cage i took the top off of his little bed room and there he was curled in the corner and he had gone to where the good hamsters go.

So i buried him the garden and put a plant pot on top and will put some thing
in it a the weekend.

Molly is here look sad hugging fuzzy bear as Mr Polly was her best mate as she had many photo's with him

here he is

Bye for now love Suzy xxx

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